Where are we going?
The spring 2012 mission trip will be to Joplin, MO. We'll be driving a van and an SUV, and working through Americorps and Volunteers in Mission.
The spring 2012 mission trip will be to Joplin, MO. We'll be driving a van and an SUV, and working through Americorps and Volunteers in Mission.
When is the trip?
We'll leave bright and early on Sunday, March 11, and return late on Friday March 16. We'll work for four days.
We'll leave bright and early on Sunday, March 11, and return late on Friday March 16. We'll work for four days.
Who is participating?
We're taking 9 Wesley students and our director.
We're taking 9 Wesley students and our director.
Why are we going?
The United Methodist Book of Discipline states that "The Church in mission is a sign of God's presence in the world." In our mission work in Joplin and in previous and future trips, we show the love of Christ to those we encounter, by prayer, by sharing the Gospel, and by alleviating human suffering, as in the mission of The Board of Global Ministries. Going as a group to serve others contains elements of pilgrimage - we gain a sense of community and strengthen our bond as the body of Christ by journeying, working, and living together, temporarily experiencing the lifestyle of the early Church.
The United Methodist Book of Discipline states that "The Church in mission is a sign of God's presence in the world." In our mission work in Joplin and in previous and future trips, we show the love of Christ to those we encounter, by prayer, by sharing the Gospel, and by alleviating human suffering, as in the mission of The Board of Global Ministries. Going as a group to serve others contains elements of pilgrimage - we gain a sense of community and strengthen our bond as the body of Christ by journeying, working, and living together, temporarily experiencing the lifestyle of the early Church.
Joplin, MO was struck by a mile-wide tornado on May 22, 2011, plowing through the center of town and severely damaging or completely destroying over 2,000 buildings - over 15% of the town. Our efforts will contribute to continuing reconstruction and renewal efforts coordinated by multiple relief agencies.
Our work will consist of light to moderate construction and demolition on damaged houses. We'll be staying in a local church with showers and cooking our own meals.
How much will it cost?
This trip will be free to students through the amazingly generous donations of individuals and UMC churches in the Albuquerque district, especially those who attended and donated items to our silent auction/dinner. We couldn't have done this without you!
This trip will be free to students through the amazingly generous donations of individuals and UMC churches in the Albuquerque district, especially those who attended and donated items to our silent auction/dinner. We couldn't have done this without you!